A battle is looming in the nation’s Capitol over how best to manage the nation’s ocean fisheries. It has been a decade since Congress considered changes to the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the nation’s primary ocean fisheries law. Since that time, the US Commission on Ocean Policy and the Pew Oceans Commission concluded […]
Month: May 2006
Assassination Review
May 15, 2006 Press Conference: Prepared Remarks by Douglas P. Horne, Former Chief Analyst for Military Records, Assassination Records Review Board (ARRB) I served on the staff of the Assassination Records Review Board for just over three years, from August 1995 through September 1998. During that period of time the Review Board granted permission for […]
It’s time once again to grieve the commercial menhaden season
The commercial menhaden season in the Chesapeake Bay got underway for 2006 just this week. Recreational fishermen everywhere ought to be wearing a black arm band. At one time around here, the menhaden fishery was a gargantuan business with processing plants dotting the East Coast. Today, there is but one company left, but they’re doing […]
The oily politics of an oily fish
Last week, Omega Protein could legally return its boats to the Chesapeake Bay, to again start mining Virginia’s waters for menhaden. If there’s any sense left in Washington and Richmond, this will be the last season that Omega gets unfettered access to the state’s beleaguered Bay. In August, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission voted […]
The Immigrant Revolution
The clamor of the immigrants that shook New York on May 1st was in Spanish. Even the Africans, Asians and East Europeans managed to utter the shout of “si se puede” (yes, we can). During the afternoon of that day the concentration of people in Union Square was so massive that when the demonstrators moved […]