The Historic People’s Climate March

On the 100th day of the Trump presidency, the people will gather all across the country to make their voices heard.  In Washington, D.C., they will arrive on buses and trains, with thousands expected to converge on the Mall.  They will start at the Capitol building, move on to surround the gates of the White […]

Dick Russell and Romeo Keyes talk about mentoring

In March 2017, I gave a half-hour talk about the importance of youth mentoring at the Agape Spiritual Center in Los Angeles.  My brilliant young mentee, 19-year-old Romeo Keyes, followed mine with his first public speaking appearance. Romeo will also appear on a story-telling panel at the Pacifica Graduate Institute’s conference “Response at the Radical […]

A crackdown on our First Amendment right to protest: message from Greenpeace

  Your constitutional right to peaceful assembly is under attack. Stand up for free speech and the right to protest! Every Greenpeace supporter should be alarmed. Huge and growing marches and demonstrations have shown lawmakers that our resistance to Trump’s anti-climate, anti-justice agenda is gaining momentum. And behind the scenes, they are taking action to […]